Gem SuperApp

White Label Solutions: Tailored for Your Brand
  • Complete Brand Customization
    Fully personalize the look, feel, and user experience to reflect your brand’s identity and ethos. Optimize the platform for specific regions, considering cultural, legal, and market nuances.
  • Full Ecosystem Replication

    Seamlessly incorporate every feature of Gem SuperApp, from messaging to marketplaces, under your brand.

  • Bank & Service Provider Integration &Dedicated Support Services

    Connect with a range of banks and essential service providers, ensuring a smooth backend operation. - Benefit from our expert team, ensuring your users receive top-tier support at all times.

  • Custom Development Opportunities

    Need a unique feature? Our team can develop custom solutions tailored to your requirements. Stay ahead of the curve with regular feature updates, ensuring your platform remains cutting-edge.

  • Partnership or Full Ownership Options

    Choose between a collaborative partnership or complete rights to Gem SuperApp in your target region (License agreement - non exclusive and non transferable).

Gem SuperApp: Preferred Integration Approach

Tailored Solutions for Enhanced User Experience & Unparalleled Security
  • Complete UI Brand Customization and extension

    Customize the user interface to align seamlessly with your brand's identity. Extend features as required to cater to specific needs.

  • Data Sovereignty & Independence

    • WhiteLabel Data Storage: We empower our clients to store their users' personal data in their own solutions, on their own servers. This ensures the security and complete independence.
    • External User ID Communication: Interact with us using only an External User ID, eliminating the need to share user profiles, further enhancing data privacy.
  • Partner API Connection

    Connect with our Partner API in a unique manner: You retain all client data, while we only access an external ID. This ensures that no personal information is identifiable by us, offering an added layer of security.

  • Custom Development Opportunities

    Explore opportunities to develop unique features tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring a distinct user experience.

  • Regional Payment Service Providers(PSP)

    For every region, integrate with a dedicated PSP, ensuring localized and efficient payment solutions.

Stages of implementation of our project

Security, user verification and screening in accordance with global rules

NDA Signature, Contract details negotiation


Your brand and geographic location


Integration of payments, banks,



Training and support

Marketing and Sales

These five steps describe the necessary actions to successfully develop

your own SuperApp


Security, user verification and screening in accordance with global rules
  • Identification, verification and screening

    • Verification and users screening according to the criminal list records on different countries
    • Private cloud storage solution for personal data
  • Certified in accordance with PCI DSS level 1

    • PCIDSS Level 1 hosting
    • The platform is audited on a quarterly basis auditor: Security SRC GmbH Germany
    • Procedures according to Visa and Mastercard standards and recommendations
  • Secure hosting solution

    • Google API Cloud Infrastructure for Image Recognition
    • Own hosting in EU and RF